
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017
HUMAN RIGHTS IN COLOMBIA Before entering to the topic of human rights in Colombia, is important to give the definition of what are human rights, human rights are defined as rights inherent to all human beings, whatever the nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language ,or any other status. These were born in 1789 when the French Revolution ended, this violent process also concluded all the atrocities and infringements a determinated group of people denominated “monarchs” did, because they were the ones on charge of paying out the vast majority of the population. So, the persons who participated into this event to culminate the abomination decided to establish a series of rules that will assure of this episode not to happen again. In Colombia, human rights are stipulated and protected under on its political constitution, and there are many nongovernmental and governmental organizations that advocate in favor of the respect of the alr
ESSAY #1 STATEMENT: "Education not only takes place on a classroom" According to Webster's Dictionary for Students , the word education is defined as the act or process of acquiring knowledge or being educated. In remote times the only way of being labeled as an educated person was if you attended and finished college. However that is a belief that no longer lasts nowadays. Currently in the 21st century many technology devices had been developed in order to improve communication and have access to information of all kind, due to the before mentioned fact, education is easily approachable anywhere in the world. Thanks to this process many innovative alternatives have been created to fith every obstacle that tries to stop any oath that reaches education. For example, all the online platforms with the purpose of obtaining knowledge are educating their users and are not necessarily located in a classroom. Another case that exemplifies why education not only takes plac