
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018
                               T he Chinamitos This leyend is about some mysterious bodies that had ugly features and small appereance. They had very long hair , and its color could change in order for them to hide themselves from people. Long nails and huge , ans amorphic noses. This story takes place in Latin America for their large Catholic population. They have very bad intentions towards kids and babies who haven't done the religious ceremony of baptism. Many elder people tell that those evil creatures took away kids for they to eat and give their souls to the devil as a sacrifice. But not all of the chinamitos had bad intentions, some of them just liked to fool around many places , hiding personal stuff from people and robbing them as well. They can show out at plenty of places , unless these locations had been visited by some religious figure , such as a priest. this legend is created in order to create awareness about the vitality of having god in life's of people so
My name is Vanessa Villamizar, I was born in a southern american country called Colombia. Colombia is a beautiful country with a considerable geographic space. This nation shares boundaries with four different countries, Panama at the North that once was part of Colombia, Venezuela at the East side, Ecuador at the West side and finally Brazil. I think Colombia is such an amazing country because of all the richness it has in many areas, first the diversity in vegetation and natural places such as el desierto en La Guajira, La Sierra Nevada , Santa Marta , the forests at El Amazonas and the Pacific Region, and plenty of other scenarios where everyone can evidence flora and fauna and  natutal resources as well , which Colombia outstands to have  because of the highest number of frog species in the world and flora has the largest amount of orquidia flowers in the world. These are facts that prove why Colombia is such a rich country. Another amazing thing about this incredible place is t