Before entering to the topic of human rights in Colombia, is important to give the definition of what are human rights, human rights are defined as rights inherent to all human beings, whatever the nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language ,or any other status. These were born in 1789 when the French Revolution ended, this violent process also concluded all the atrocities and infringements a determinated group of people denominated “monarchs” did, because they were the ones on charge of paying out the vast majority of the population. So, the persons who participated into this event to culminate the abomination decided to establish a series of rules that will assure of this episode not to happen again.

In Colombia, human rights are stipulated and protected under on its political constitution, and there are many nongovernmental and governmental organizations that advocate in favor of the respect of the already mentioned, however it does affect the fact that even in the 21st century , the nation still has a high rate of cases were this inherent rights were vulnerable.

Most of the common instances of breach of this highly praised rights are focused mainly on women, ethnical groups and children.
The relevance of the role that children occupy on society and the need of special protection are not fresh news, and it is totally clearly that kids are not a minor group, but its fragile state of development is what makes its rights infringed.

Moving on to other group that is also greatly discriminated are women, there are many reasons why, areas, and ways women are seen as vulnerable human beings and excluded from certain activities. Many opinions claim that this is due to the role women have in procreation and antique beliefs that openly state this individuals are just for performing domestic activities.

The Colombian Government in order to cease all the before mentioned infractions against human rights takes properly actions underlying the law, in the first case involving children with an organism with the acronym ICBF, which has the strict duty to plead for children at any cost for a suitable life and integral development. For the second example of vulnerable groups, women the government states that women as men have the right to place women in position making decisions , promote positive perceptions of women and provides many legal entities were is free cost to manifest any way of exclusion in order to as already mentioned, take the right actions on the situation to demonstrate the matter of the case and to break the boundaries and insecurities women who rather not advocating for its rights for whatever reasons, the government in this cases also helps them on their education and healthcare.

To summarize, even though Colombia performs many attempts to eradicate this problem, it still longer, and it will not stop until any change inside the management of this violations is made , and the Colombian society does not raise awareness by itself.


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