In this essays topic is on discussion how should this religious event conforming to the authors of this text opinion.
Chrsitmas is a worldwide festivity for people whom firmly believe Jesus Christ is the depiction of God.
This holiday is celebrated in order to praise the Messiahs arrival to Earth.
Because of the previous mentioned facts, we can infere that this is a religous date.

So in my opinion this holy day, christians and other religions that see Jesus Christ as the one and only, should spend this day with family and/or friends, with the inital objective of appreciating this ethereal being. 
However I also think, If people rather to perform all the traditions of this period of the year such as, the ornament of the christmas tree, the exchange of gifts and dinner at midnight, the mistletoe decoration, it is completely fine, even though divers scriptures of the Holy Bible state this are blasphemous actions towards God.
According to my point of view this is kind of a natural instinct to adopt this behaviour, because it has being executed for so long and there is a lot of disinformation about the before citation, and the whole purpose of this Christ believers is to tribute him.
Moreover christmas is such an important date due to the fact that family is all gathered in one place, and this is how great memories are created with your loved ones that their presence may not always be around, making this a plus for chrsitmas being a special date.

To summarize my position on the statement "how should christmas be celebrated" , I reassert that this false practices do not have an interference of ay kind with the principal target of this religious event, which is to euology the Messiahs Natal. 


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