The following text is going to be about of the author on an specific topic, which is the process of the democratic elections that were recently performed in Colombia, in order to choose the 258 members of the senate chamber and the two candidates that are going to run for presidency.
It is affirmative to state that the elections in Colombia wee democratic because every person with the colombian nationality had the opportunity to vote for the candidate they stand for thanks to all the voting centers stipulated all around the country and even out of it, problem who where not located in Colombia had the chance to profess their right of suffrage through the colombian consulate in the placement they were in.
As well I consider this past elections to be democratic since every colombian could see the variety of candidates, however not only political parties, but of all the foundation of ideals that were within those political parties.
Nethertheless there are a lot of positive aspects of this earlier process, also there  are still some weaknesses that are needful to repair in order to perform accurately a full democracy in our country.
For example this fact.
From time to time the democratic process in Colombia gas been severally affected by by the individual interest of the political candidates which main goal is to get established in the respectively position on the government. This democratic process is manipulated by a phenomenon called "clientelism" , that is define as the exchange of goods and services for political support. At the time any individual accepts for whatever circumstances ,it's right to vote is vulnerates since you give yhen the right "to choose" what they want over your ideals.
And an specific situation that occured on this 2018 election for the senate chamber, was the lack of papers that allow the citizens to formally vote at many voting centers in different regions, and the origin of this problem was an act of negligence from part of the entity in charge of delivering the stipulated amount of papers in each voting place, this entity was national registry of the nation. But after all this inconvenience about the papers , we colombians instead of just criticize and complain of the situation , we took action to solve it , and the solution was to photostat the paper , vote and to validate it it was just necessary the sign of the person in charge of the voting place. We all as a country looked for the best way of solving the problem and we succeeded.
We took advantage of the situation as an educated nation.
To summarize, I think that this elections even though many problems were still happening , many measurements and arrangements were consumed to stop them. Moreover I consider that this is a new generation that needs and wants a change for Colombia and the quality of life , and we demonstrated that by the ciphres posted, 17.8 millions of votes.
Although this digits it's still weak considering the quantity of colombians which is around 50 millions. The earliest cipher evidences the already mentioned fact about the change and that have recovered the knowing that we have the power to decide , not the government.
All this previous statements are the reinforcement of my personal view about this task that is bringing out my thoughts  about the elections that were recently performed in Colombia.


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