The following text is going to be about a controversial and sensible topic, and that is violence against women and children worldwide. And in order to accomplish this task , also this text is going to be providing real life examples of the many forms of violence all around the world.

It is good to expose that any treatment such as bashing and shaming is considered a violent act.

But after explaining all this, there is no lie that since the beginning, the image society has about women is that they are the vulnerable gender.
Even though nowadays the stigma of being the inferior being has been slowly clarified, through all the feminists movements, campaigns, advertisements, the society we live in still tolerates the fact that women are mistreated in plenty forms , and many of the time violently. For instance, women for not being as "though" as men are  seen as not capable of accomplishing as many as goals as men and even to perform some activities as effective as men.
Moreover, in many countries women are discriminated by their 'condition' of being women, and this argument is supported by the fact that men earn 1 dollar per hour meanwhile women ehxih do the same exact work, and even more effectively and rapidly do not earn the same amount of money. Women earn 75 cents per hour.
Moving on the child's violence problem that is on the United States of America is that their government has a series of laws that allow any adult citizen of with the American nationality  to own or to easily get a gun. It is almost considered a right to have one in their power.
This is a thing that makes everything citizen vulnerable because there is no protocolo that regulates the permissions so anyone that could have a mental illness could commit a violent action that can take away many lives of innocent people. And actually all this incidents have already happened in several places in the US.

There are other forms of discrimination towards women that are performed in other countries, in other words let's say  there are another parts of the world which violent acts are harsher.

For instance, Middle East countries which have a strong patriarch mindset.
Many girls are forced against their will to commit many immoral acts such as getting marriage with men that are twice their age, they kind of sell them to this men in order to get a good as exchange.
Another example that demonstrates women of all ages are mistreated in these countries is that they are deprived of receiving an education by the mere fact of being women, issue that has a enormous connotation because this is basically abusing from A HUMAN RIGHT.
Many nations of the middle east have the mindset that women are just like an object, a living speak their mind and live freely, a toy to please their necessities and to procreate.
A real life story that supports the before said actions is the case of Malala Youzafsai, a girl who was severely affected by a shot she received
from the "Talisman", all this incident was caused by the an internet blog she had where she revealed all the things she did not agree about the "reality" she lived in. This happened when she was 15 years old.

But as how it is mentioned above in the text , violence against these group of people, children and women not are necessirily physical as all the examples also above, a violent act can be yelling and mistreating them by calling them by bad names and also bashing them in front of many people.

So to summarize there is a lot of violence all around the world , but these groups are the ones who are affected the most. And this has to change because these groups , women  and children are seen as low human beings , this is how they are being labeled. And this is because we live in a society where patriarchy is accepted and matriarchy is not. We have to fully understand and tolerate that every human being is capable of the same things and not because they have another conditions you can abridge them to some especific activities or tasks.
And this is my opinion that all this violent acts need to stop and we have to be more tolerant, moreover that it is necessary to have a change now , to spread love and not hate.


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