Discrimination is a social problem that has been seen since historians can take track of human kind. Discrimination can be' performed ' towards men and women that have any type of condition or characteristics , and however along the time the stigma that men are the ones who are in charge of the leadership slowly has been slowly modified, there's a lot to be fixed.
Causes of rejection in women all over concentrates in that the society we live in , is commanded by a patriarchy mentality. And the definition of patriarchy is a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it, and it basically explains why women are discriminated and restricted to many work related activities and labeled to do certain things and to act in determinating ways.
The first examples of this is that many companies don't allow women to be their leaders, they lowkey do not accept that they are capable of doing "men's job" effectively by silly reasons like " family responsibilities do not live time for running a major corporation" and that women are not tough enough for business. This more clearly can be evidenced when for instance there are elections for presidency o any governmental body which is a good example for top executive work field, wonen for most of the time are criticized and underestimated to achieving the huge task they are facing. And the critics are if there is something wrong which is a normal thing , because as human beings we commit bad decisions for any reasons, women recieve at any case harsher critics just because we are seen as the inferior gender and also because we are held to higher standards than men.
Another example which clearly portrays discrimination towards women that in global powerhouse countries like the United States of America , workmanship is not remunerated to the two gender equally. Men gain 1$ per hour meanwhile women earn just 0.75cents , this means that women that work as effectively as men earn 25% less than men. Fact that has no argument.Moreover is that is completely ridiculous because they both are human beings with the same basic necessities.

Another example is that women that age 24-30 years are less likely to get a job because, women at this age are the ones who more probabilities to get pregnant , and to the enterprise is not viable because they will have to pay the pregnant women a salary she is not working for because laws protect the mother in order to she and it's family not to face bad times. And they can not be fired because of the already mentioned reason.
Thing that is discrimination because it's cutting chances to women to support themselves and even their family and to take up responsibilities and for their person growth as integral being.These are three clear examplea of discrimination I'm women in work fields , this is a phenomenon that many laws and and companies have to work on in order to breaks the stigma that women are not as tough as man , and to finally say equality is not just a definition that has no pragmatic action taken about.
The already stipulated examples give reasons why this has to stop, and if this still lingers on, this just demonstrates that even though many technological advances are being developed every day in many parts of the world so humans can have a more suitable life , we are not a masterly society that although has identified that problem Is not capable of making changes for the general good for everyone in this world.


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