what virtue must everyone has so Earth can be a better place to live in

The following essay takes a look at a topic that must concern to every human being, and this is because it any way or another has repercussions on each and everyone of us.

This topic is intolerance and selfishness, because these two qualities have to do with the origin of one of the most important issues humanity is facing nowadays. Violence and climate changes
Currently planet Earth is passing through a lot of changes ( in all of its areas due to evolution) and most parts of it (referring to countries), are getting through a series of situations that are not the best. And this complicated situations  are damaging the whole planet at different levels affecting every living being in this place.
And this is due to bad actions that took time a long time ago and the concequences are having place now.
This situations are the catastrophies that everyday are getting harsher such as hurricanes , droughts , tornados , floods, etc.  even though there are more and more measurements in order to fight against them , this is not the most effective solution; to fight against them it's in fact one of the problems.
The right way this could be solved in a great scale is by doing the right thing , thinking that earth is just the place we are living in now, that are other people waiting to habit just where we are and we are the ones who are in charge to give earth to them in the right conditions.

Doing the right thing, that is being conscious about the place we live in. And this applies not only to relating environmental problems but to social and coexistence issues that are one of the most causes of the violence worldwide. Which as well contribute to environmental problems and just decrease life quality in persons that are not involved in any of that.
Tolerance (willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with), as a virtue and awareness as a compliment are the thing that personally , every people must have into account for making place a better place to live in.
Many things can be avoided or prevented  if only we all take the time to reflect about them , and this can be done if we stop by quit acting so selfishly and just working for a great better, not just the personal.
And about awareness , it refers to giving the amount of importance to the things that actually have, just imagine if scientist , doctors or anyone who actually makes and leaves a difference in  our society were as famous or recognized as celebrities.
The problem consists of the mentality we have, the way we manage things , we are focused on ephemeral things that on the long term will mean nothing.
We are so focused on pampering ourselves with pleasures, and  pleasures are not  bad but the excess of them are. So that is what is happening.

Taking everything into consideration, what are the fallacies already mentioned and analyzed in the past reading , in my own view on the matter the only way we can ease this problem, is by everyone commiting to doing good things even if they are minimal , greater things are made by the sum of small actions.
Because in unity there is strength.
An advice that personally I can provide to battle every of this is just, DOING GOOD THINGS  by all the means we can , in all the ways we can , in all the places and to all the people we can, and learn but not less important as long as ever we can.


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